As a former science teacher turned passionate photographer, I have found my true calling in capturing the beauty of the world around us. I work tirelessly to fund my adventures, but for me, it's all worth it to chase that moment, to explore new locations, and share the wonders of nature with others.
Getting lost is just part of the journey for me. It's in those moments of uncertainty that I often stumble upon hidden gems and unexpected beauty. Every wrong turn and detour leads me to discover something new and amazing, adding depth and excitement to my photography.
My mission is to inspire others to explore sustainably, to appreciate the natural world, and to foster a deep connection with our environment. With every order, I plant a tree through One Tree Planted, my way of giving back to the planet and making a positive impact on the environment. By restoring forests, creating habitats for wildlife, and supporting reforestation efforts, I hope to do my part in preserving the beauty that I capture through my lens.
I urge you to join me on this journey of exploration and conservation. Through my photography, I aim to evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us, encouraging others to tread lightly and protect our planet for future generations. By supporting my work, you are not only investing in the beauty and power of nature but also in the sustainability of our world.
Together, we can make a difference. Let's capture the beauty of the world, one photograph at a time, and inspire others to cherish and protect the wonders that surround us. Join me in this mission, and together, we can create a more sustainable and beautiful world for all.
Good luck and stay safe my friends. 
The reason I became a teacher is the same reason I became a photographer – to educate and share my passion for environmental protection. Both professions allow me to inspire others to look at Earth through a holistic lens, encouraging a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around us.

As a teacher, I have the opportunity to instill knowledge and foster a sense of curiosity in my students. I believe that education is the key to creating positive change in the world, especially when it comes to environmental issues. By teaching my students about the importance of protecting our planet, I hope to inspire them to become environmental stewards in their own right. Through engaging and interactive lessons, I aim to show them how interconnected all living beings are and how the health of our environment impacts us all.

In addition to teaching, photography has become another powerful tool for me to spread my message of environmental protection. Through capturing the beauty of nature in my photographs, I am able to showcase the wonders of our planet and inspire others to see the world through a new lens. I believe that photography has the ability to evoke emotions and spark conversations, making it a powerful medium for environmental advocacy.

By combining my passion for teaching and photography, I am able to reach a wider audience and make a greater impact on the world. Through my work, I hope to encourage others to become more mindful of their actions and make conscious choices that benefit the planet. By sharing my knowledge and passion, I aim to inspire others to take action and make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, the reason I became a teacher and a photographer is rooted in my desire to educate, inspire, and share my passion for environmental protection. Through these professions, I am able to spread awareness, ignite curiosity, and instill a sense of responsibility in others. By working towards a common goal of protecting our planet, I hope to inspire a new generation of environmental advocates who will work tirelessly to preserve and protect the Earth for future generations.